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Understanding My Foodshed

A “foodshed” is really just like a watershed, but it describes the flow and origin of foodstuffs.  My foodshed is the region where my (or at least most of my) food comes from.  In the past that was very global for me.  Lately it’s mostly local, with coffee, salt, olive oil, chocolate, lemons, and limes sneaking in there.  It is an old word that is gaining new traction and frequency.  It seems fitting because that’s exactly what I’m writing about and shooting – my food and its origins.

– Grant Kessler

5 Comments leave one →
  1. December 8, 2011 2:53 pm

    I just stumbled across your Twitter handle through the Slow Food UW account and am so glad I came across your website. It seems very interesting and your pictures are amazing, I am eager to continue reading.

    Thank you.

    • December 8, 2011 3:27 pm

      Thanks Amy! Great to see your blog too and read about your study focus! Email on its way to you…

  2. February 18, 2012 7:26 am

    This is a beautiful project! We look forward to sharing our Oak Park Food Coop story with you….and learning more about what inspires you!

  3. March 30, 2012 7:23 pm


    I am looking forward to following all of the information that you have to share. Thank you for taking time out of your morning yesterday to spend some time talking to us. I am the family hog farmer from IL, only about 90 minutes from you. I hope that we can continue to keep this discussion flowing and open.

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